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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Espresso Latte And A Shank Please

You know, maybe I just don't get it. I thought our criminal justice system was set up to punish and reform criminals. I didn't know that they should be allowed privileges and opportunities that hard working citizens sometimes can't get. Apparently, this backward state I currently live in has some tree huggin, feed the koala bear lib who thinks it's a good idea to open up a latte stand in the McNeill Island Penetentiary. Are you F*ckin kidding me?!?! They can't be serious. First off all, these scum suckin bastards get 3 hot meals, a bed and shelter, and cable tv. I work my ass off so JoJo the child molester can watch Sex in the City.

This is ridiculous. A latte machine in prison. The reasoning for it? It "might" make money. It might? you know what else "might" make money? legalized inmate prostitution. Why don't the prisons pimp out their inmates to other inmates or Washintonians. That could bring in a pretty penny. Why don't we just sell day passes out of the prison? I'm sure that would be a bottom dollar booster.

Since when is it okay for CRIMINALS to have better opportunities than free citizens? I swear, these kinds of things really piss me off. Then again, when I'm dropping 8.9% tax on crap I buy in this state, I'll at least have a smile knowing this guy will be enjoying a double latte with soy milk.


Blogger Thomas said...

Do you know how much Latte machines are? By the time one prisoner can sip a latte, the machines will need to be replaced. Besides, i'm sure the price will be subsidized just like everything else in prison.

11:42 PM  

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