Happy Halloween Free Cookies
No costume for me this year, but I plan on doing something next year.
Personal Blog of Thomas L. Shaffer. This is an often forgotten blog where I give a feeble attempt to post fun, exciting, humorous, and whitty topics. This is also known as "#63 of things Thomas L. Shaffer has started and won't finish this year" I do not go by Tom Shaffer, Tommy Shaffer, or any other variation of Thomas. I will answer to Shaffer and Master.
Well apparently the liberal-controlled media really does hate Al Franken. He and others are going to restructure under Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. In a poor attempt at hiding the truth (common amongst the lefties) Air America denied reports about them filing for bankruptcy.
This move will no doubt "save" some money. From the story "Air America has struggled financially since its inception. Documents filed with the bankruptcy court show that the company lost $9.1 million in 2004, $19.6 million in 2005 and $13.1 million so far in 2006." Sounds like they should have put that money to better use over the past 3 years.
To put a little perspective to this, the liberal Air America lost nearly 42 million dollars in three years. Jew-hating when drunk Mel Gibson and chronic druggie/prisoner Robert Downey Jr.'s Air America grossed $33.5 million. The only thing they have in common is they both suck.
Evan and I trade links back and forth all day. One site that we always seem to jump at first is Mark Cuban's Blog. For those who don't know anything about sports or the internet, Cuban is the owner of the NBA Dallas Mavericks and former owner of broadcast.com
I'd like to think it's the money, cause Cuban says pretty much whatever the hell he wants to and doesn't necessarily have to deal with the consequences. For example, if I was to rip into my employer about some of the less than intelligent moves that have been made, I'd be looking for a job. Cuban doesn't have a higher authority, so he can say what he feels. Sure, people try to linkbait him to show that they are cool, but those people are full of themselves and IMO deserve a cockpunch.
Back to Cuban. He's been talking a lot about the Google Youtube deal, and gotten some shit. He said it was a bad idea - actually moronic. I agree. He said copyright owner s are going to get mad and eventually take action. I agree. He's compared NBA officials to DQ managers. I agree. The only thing we don't agree on is the NBA - I think it sucks, but I applaud him for trying to make it change. If I had millions, i'd probably do the same (right after I got the Cubs a World Series ring).
Today Cuban cut through all the bs and told the story how it is - cynically of course. He goes case by case showing how he can put music on his Ipod (maybe if he sends me his address, I'll buy and send him a Zune) all without worrying about copyright laws or any of that RIAA hassle. He also points out that just because "everyone is doing it" or there is a majority opinion doesn't make it right (see 2000 US Presidential election).
I got my beta invitation to MSN Soapbox today. You probably haven't heard much about it since there is other big news. Anyway, Microsoft is getting into the video site market.
Initial reactions are that it is pretty good. Considering youtube was founded just under two years ago, MSN has done a good job of improving the site functionality - both in looks and with technical aspects.
I uploaded a couple videos and it was really easy. There is currently a limit of 100 megs per video, no idea if this is going to be temporary or not. Server costs are a big concern with sites like this. Below is a copy of a video I uploaded. I made this in college with my future best man and beloved dogg. I know I know - Scorcese and Spielberg SHOULD be afraid.
MSN Soapbox is so far a cool site, I just hope that they find a way to popularize it and more importantly monetize it for the stake of my stock.
Video: Duff Dogg Day Afternoon
If you don't think today's matchup between Dallas and Philadelphia is big, just look at this map:
It's almost as good looking as the Republican Democrat mapping. Terrell faces off with his old teammates today in Philly. As if there wasn't enough gas for the fire, they were handing out free popcorn (in reference to Terrell Owen's comment 'get your popcorn ready') and free beer. Yes, the fans who once had a fully functional holding cell and court underneath the stadium were being fed free beer.
I don't have either of these guys on my pathetic fantasy teams, However I would like to see Reggie Brown have a big day.
Since Carlos Zambrano decided to come back from back pain to pitch a pointless game in the Cubs miserable season, I am now a Yankees fan. Apparently in my wheeling and dealing for Zambrano in a fantasy league, I told Evan that Zambrano wouldn't win 16 games. I contend it was Ev who said 18 wins, and I mentioned Z's high was 16.
Either way, the Cubs ended with yet another great season, and I am a Yankees fan. I'll just keep a smile on my face knowing that neither team will have the trophy.