MSN Search

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Free NetFlix Special Discount

Because you are my friend, I wanted to do something nice. After thinking about all the ways I could make you say "Thanks, Thomas!" I've settled on one.

I am giving you one free month of Netflix! That's right, as a close friend of mine, I am extending this offer to you. Sure, you have to sign up for a plan to start after the month (starting as low as $9.99), but you can cancel at any time.

Now, you might think this is some click scam, or that I'm getting something out of this. I'm not. I really just didn't have anything to blog and while checking my email I saw this offer. Usually it's 2 weeks, so this really is a good deal.

Personally, I love Netflix. I get my movies super fast, usually a day after I select them. I've tried Blockbuster, but their online model sucks, they never have movies, and Netflix pretty much blows them out of the water in every category. The only BB offers is coupons for free movies at the store, but let's face it - you order online to AVOID the store.

So, do yourself a favor and give Netflix a try. First month is on me!

Redeem your Free Month of Netflix here.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Top Rankings on Weird Terms

So, I'm always interested in finding out how people find my blog and how my search engine optimization is doing. My secret is this - I don't try to optimize for anything, and I get top 10 listings for stuff I don't care about. The only thing I did try and optimize was my wedding site, and I did what I wanted to do. Besides that, it's just a passing hobby to offer some link burns like chuckle nuts, asian mustache, and corndog launcher.

For tracking purposes, I use MyBlogLog, which is really nice. I didn't pay for the upgrade, so data is always a day behind. I really don't mind as I check maybe twice a week and the best part is that it's free. Now, because I am signed up for fake traffic like blogmad and Blog Explosion a majority of my traffic comes from there. Now, I'm not knocking these services, I think it's great. I'm just not obsessed enough with my blog to try and drive 1000's of people to it. You can see the lack of contextual ads I'm not making money off this either. Maybe if I did get some of that 2.25 billion dollar revenue the new evil empire got last quarter, my opinion would change.

Anyway, the whole reason for this post was to show some funny searches that have found their way to my blog recently. These are actually results I have seen for my site. I wish I kept a list of all the ones I had found since I started checking. Oh well, I guess now is better than never. So, without further ado, this week's weird 5 blog traffic list.

Number 1: English people searching for Spanish = what does usted gordo mean

Number 2: The original Teacher sex scandal = Debra Lefave MySpace?

Number 3: Computer game junkies = Civ IV Crash

Number 4: I'm hot for teacher = Myspace teacher

Number 5: Finnish Bikers = Kona Blast 2006

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Pamela Rogers MySpace Teacher Sex Scandal

Looking for the Pamela Rogers Cell Phone Video? Youtube has several versions out there, but I found the best one.

Pamela Rogers Cell Phone Video

In other news, 28 year old Pamela Rogers, or more affectionately nicknamed "PJ", was arrested for violating her parole. Why did I blog about this you ask? Because Pamela Rogers was just released in February for good behavior after serving 6 months in jail for having sex with a 13 year old! What is wrong with this chick? Having worked in a computer lab during Grad school in the Education Department, I know (soon to be) teachers are a little weird. I'm going to ignore the fact I married one.

Anyway, this chick had sex with a 13 year old, got caught, did time, and now got busted for allegedly contacting him. Pamela Rogers ArrestedWhat is wrong with this chick? I mean, look at her, she's not ugly. She doesn't make me curl into the fetal position (until after I get the background scoop on her). I can see why a 13 year old would want to hit it, she's a perfect 10 considering Mary Kay Letourneau but what does she see in him? What does a 13 year old bring into a relationship, milk money? Tax credits? Discounted prices at the movies and at restaurants? Some people are just really messed up.

So, This Pamela "PJ" Rogers chick was told to not contact her child love nor his family, and was not allowed to go on the internet.MySpace Pamela Rogers So what does she do? She gets a MySpace account and contacts him and his family. Obviously good behavior in jail does not equal rehabilitaion. She obviously isn't smart either. Maybe in her child humping mind she thought "Hey, if I say I'm from Paris, they'll never know it's me." Just think, it's people like her teaching the future of our country. This former teacher was also a WCW Nitro Girl which explains so much more. Out of boredom, I have located the Pamela Rogers MySpace page.

I will lose sleep over this tonight.

I guess the recent MySpace Security Hiring is starting to pay dividends already!

I do pose this question, which teacher is crazier and hotter, Pamela Rogers or Debra Lafave? I think it's a toss up, but the award goes to the bipolar Debra

Thursday, April 06, 2006

NFL 2006 schedule released

It's hard to think about football since baseball just started, but the NFL 2006 schedule was released today. A few teams of note:

Super Bowl Cheats Pittsburgh Stealers (yes, I know it is Steelers)

Wk Date Opponent Time (ET) Coverage
1 Thur. Sep 7 Dolphins 8:30 p.m. ET
2 Mon. Sep 18 @ Jaguars 8:30 p.m. ET
3 Sun. Sep 24 Bengals 1:00 p.m. ET
5 Sun. Oct 8 @ Chargers 8:15 p.m. ET
6 Sun. Oct 15 Chiefs 4:15 p.m. ET
7 Sun. Oct 22 @ Falcons 1:00 p.m. ET
8 Sun. Oct 29 @ Raiders 4:15 p.m. ET
9 Sun. Nov 5 Broncos 4:15 p.m. ET
10 Sun. Nov 12 Saints 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
11 Sun. Nov 19 @ Browns 1:00 p.m. ET
12 Sun. Nov 26 @ Ravens 1:00 p.m. ET
13 Sun. Dec 3 Buccaneers 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
14 Thur. Dec 7 Browns 8:00 p.m. ET
15 Sun. Dec 17 @ Panthers 1:00 p.m. ET
16 Sun. Dec 24 Ravens 1:00 p.m. ET
17 Sun. Dec 31 @ Bengals 1:00 p.m. ET

NFC Champion Seattle Seahawks

1 Sun. Sep 10 @ Lions 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
2 Sun. Sep 17 Cardinals 4:05 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
3 Sun. Sep 24 Giants 4:15 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
4 Sun. Oct 1 @ Bears 8:15 p.m. ET
6 Sun. Oct 15 @ Rams 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
7 Sun. Oct 22 Vikings 4:15 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
8 Sun. Oct 29 @ Chiefs 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
9 Mon. Nov 6 Raiders 8:30 p.m. ET
10 Sun. Nov 12 Rams 4:15 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
11 Sun. Nov 19 @ 49ers 4:05 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
12 Mon. Nov 27 Packers 8:30 p.m. ET
13 Sun. Dec 3 @ Broncos 4:15 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
14 Sun. Dec 10 @ Cardinals 4:05 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
15 Thur. Dec 14 49ers 8:00 p.m. ET
16 Sun. Dec 24 Chargers 4:15 p.m. ET
17 Sun. Dec 31 @ Buccaneers 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX

And my old home town team Carolina Panthers

1 Sun. Sep 10 Falcons 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
2 Sun. Sep 17 @ Vikings 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
3 Sun. Sep 24 @ Buccaneers 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
4 Sun. Oct 1 Saints 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
5 Sun. Oct 8 Browns 1:00 p.m. ET
6 Sun. Oct 15 @ Ravens 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
7 Sun. Oct 22 @ Bengals 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
8 Sun. Oct 29 Cowboys 8:15 p.m. ET
10 Mon. Nov 13 Buccaneers 8:30 p.m. ET
11 Sun. Nov 19 Rams 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
12 Sun. Nov 26 @ Redskins 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
13 Mon. Dec 4 @ Eagles 8:30 p.m. ET
14 Sun. Dec 10 Giants 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
15 Sun. Dec 17 Steelers 1:00 p.m. ET
16 Sun. Dec 24 @ Falcons 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX
17 Sun. Dec 31 @ Saints 1:00 p.m. ET NFL on FOX

Biggest matchup of the year - Week 5 Sun. Oct 8 @ Eagles 4:15 p.m. ET NFL on FOX T.O returns to Philly.

Are you ready for some football?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Tax Man Cometh

I really hate taxes. Actually, I don't mind the principle behind taxes, I just hate paying them. This year my taxes have been extra tricky. Tax Man ComethSince I moved last year, I have to file in 2 states. Well, actually just one because Washington does it right and has no state tax. North Carolina on the other hand has taxes on top of taxes on top of taxes. It's funny, people complained about the sales tax in WA being 8.9%. Try living in NC where the tax is 7% now (I think. it's at least 6.5%) and having to pay income tax. Hell, there is even a loophole where you can deduct sales tax in Wa. Anyway, my taxes this year are pretty much 0 - I owe a couple hundred to NC and will be getting a couple hundred plus change from the Feds. Next year should be fun as I get to file "married" for the first time. I'll probably owe a shitload too because of my exemptions. Anyway, taxes suck but I wanted to remind everyone that April 15 is the big day. Failure to get those returns postmarked by Mark's Birthday will get you in some serious trouble with the IRS.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Seattle Mariners Baseball Opening Day

Well, 8 months ago I made a huge change in my life. I gave up having an NHL team in my town. Now, to some people this would be horrible, but for me, it was great! I gave up hockey in exchange for Major League Baseball, the NFL, and the NBA. Now, I consider trading NHL for the NBA a wash, but getting baseball and football is a huge win. I moved to Seattle last August and was able to check out a seahawks game where they won and finished undefeated at home for the season, only to be cheated in the Super Bowl. But enough about football, it's baseball season!

Monday was Opening Day (Opening night featured the Chicago White Sox putting a hurting on the Cleveland Indians. Never living in a baseball town, I wanted to catch an opening day game. A couple months ago I woke up at the crack of noon and bought some Seattle Mariners tickets. I made sure to get Opening Day tix, as well as a few key AL matchups. Now, as a lifelong Cubs fan, it's hard to watch American League baseball. The DH is a sin, but this isn't the time to get involved. But since the Mariners are in the AL, I feel I can root for them and it not interfere with my love of the Cubs. The best thing that could happen for me is to see these two square off in the World Series, but I'll settle for playoffs.

Traffic to the game was present, as expected. I've learned that if you want to be anywhere downtown, you have to leave yourself plenty of idiot time. Idiot time is what I refer to drivers around this area and their inability to obey traffic signs, like speed limits or exit signs.Seattle Mariners Opening Day 2006 I really think my blood pressure has gone up since moving to the Pacific Northwest. Anyway, after an hour or so of idiot time, we are privileged enough to drop $20 on parking across the street from Safeco Field. Now, for those that haven't been to Safeco Field, let me tell you it is a nice ballpark. I've been to only a handful of Major League parks, but the Mariners have a nice home. The coolest thing is the retractable dome, a must have for an area like Seattle. Of course the weather was lousy on Monday, so they had to close the roof. Even though we were enclosed, the atmosphere was still open (or maybe that was the cold ass breeze blowing down my neck). The ballpark is really wide open and has lots of things to do besides watch the game you just dropped $70 bones to see. I really like the bullpen in left field that you can walk up to. Opening Day Seattle MarinersI enjoyed yelling "Bartolo, Mira - Usted es gordo" to the Angels' pitcher Bartolo Colon. I wonder what is worse, my spanish or his english. Anyway, The ceremonial first pitch was thrown out by Matt Hasselback and some of the NFC Champion Seattle Seahawks. The pitching match was between (as I said earlier) the Angels' Bartolo Colon and Seattle Mariners' favorite Jamie Moyer. This is Moyers' eleventh season with the M's since being traded by the Boston Red Sox.

There are some new faces on the M's. Retired is Dan Wilson, retired after 14 years in the big leagues - 12 of them in Seattle. But out with the old and in with the new as Kenji Johjima is the new catcher. Kenji is fresh of the boat from Japan, where he played 11 years and an impressive .299 batting average. He's also capable of hitting the long ball, which he did on Monday. The Mariners also acquired crazy journeyman Carl Everett. Carl is playing with his 10th team (twice with the White Sox). Hopefully he can provide some power to the lineup. One word of advice Carl - your position is designated hitter, so hit.

The game was fairly exciting. History was made when Kenji took the field, becoming the first catcher to make the transition from japan league to the MLB. Vlad GuerreroOnly first and third haven't been filled by the land of the rising sun. Vlad Guerrero led of the season with one (of probably 46) home runs to put the Angels up 2. There were 20 hits for the day, and the Angels squeaked out a win 5-4. Angels game ball goes to Orlando Cabrera who went 3-5 with 2 rbi's. M's game ball goes to second baseman Jose Lopez who went 2-5 with 1 rbi in the loss. Jackass award goes to Angels DH Garrett Anderson, who batting in the 3 spot went 0-5 with 3 strikeouts and left 3 on base. Mariners Jackass goes to pitcher JJ Putz, who with back to back 0-2 counts and 2 outs couldn't put the batters away.

My guess is that the Mariners are going to struggle again this year. The Angels and A's are going to battle it out in the West for first (and possibly the wild card). I just hope the M's can finish ahead of Texas. I don't want to be rooting for last place teams all season.
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