MSN Search

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Top Rankings on Weird Terms

So, I'm always interested in finding out how people find my blog and how my search engine optimization is doing. My secret is this - I don't try to optimize for anything, and I get top 10 listings for stuff I don't care about. The only thing I did try and optimize was my wedding site, and I did what I wanted to do. Besides that, it's just a passing hobby to offer some link burns like chuckle nuts, asian mustache, and corndog launcher.

For tracking purposes, I use MyBlogLog, which is really nice. I didn't pay for the upgrade, so data is always a day behind. I really don't mind as I check maybe twice a week and the best part is that it's free. Now, because I am signed up for fake traffic like blogmad and Blog Explosion a majority of my traffic comes from there. Now, I'm not knocking these services, I think it's great. I'm just not obsessed enough with my blog to try and drive 1000's of people to it. You can see the lack of contextual ads I'm not making money off this either. Maybe if I did get some of that 2.25 billion dollar revenue the new evil empire got last quarter, my opinion would change.

Anyway, the whole reason for this post was to show some funny searches that have found their way to my blog recently. These are actually results I have seen for my site. I wish I kept a list of all the ones I had found since I started checking. Oh well, I guess now is better than never. So, without further ado, this week's weird 5 blog traffic list.

Number 1: English people searching for Spanish = what does usted gordo mean

Number 2: The original Teacher sex scandal = Debra Lefave MySpace?

Number 3: Computer game junkies = Civ IV Crash

Number 4: I'm hot for teacher = Myspace teacher

Number 5: Finnish Bikers = Kona Blast 2006


Blogger Paul Zhao said...

You're ranked under all those KWs? Not bad Thomas.

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very informative post my friend.

2:34 AM  

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