Crazy Snakes on a Plane Fan
I was checking out my mybloglog logs (wow that sounds dumb) and I saw some traffic coming from this site. At first I thought there might be a link hidden somewhere, but turns out someone was probably just surfing through Blogger.
Anyway, some of the posts caught my attention, but none more so that this one. Now, I'm hoping that this isn't real. For those that have been under an entertainment rock for the past year, There is a new movie out called "Snakes on a Plane." Yeah, stupid title. Starring Bad MotherFucker Samuel L. Jackson, this movie is about snakes. on a plane. seriously. There has been a lot of hype about it, I'm sure most of it generated by the studio and Jackson's PR team. This movie is destined to become a cult favorite, but for now it's just a bad flick. It was tops at the Box office, but only brought in 15 million. The PR team has done a good job though, because everyone I talked to wants to watch the movie "just to see how bad it is." Problem is actually getting them to go see it.
Back to the post. I hope this is a joke. I hope this chucklehead did this to be funny and it's not real. If not, then this world really does have way too many morons. Below is a picture I've entitled "Snake for Brains." May the Gods have mercy on his soul.