Alcohol Plus 21 Plus 2am Equals Death
This past Saturday night my wife woke up at 2am to the sounds of *crash* outside our apartment here in Redmond. We are on the corner next to a pretty busy road, and we constantly hear the traffic go by and a siren every other hour. We've heard honking and tire screeching, but no crunches. Anyway, she wakes up and goes to the balcony to try and see what happened. There is a row of trees blocking our view, however you could make out a car crash. Soon the sirens came.
When I woke up the next morning around 9am, Ashley told me of the accident. I didn't think much of it, but as we were preparing to go to the grocery store, we noticed the road being blocked off. I grabbed my camera and went down to the corner to see what was up.
There about 30 yards from my place was a wrecked Honda. It was resting in between the guard rails, airbag deployed. The cops had blocked off Redmond Way, and were only allowing the neighbors in. We turn on the news to see if we can catch anything, and I just get the end of a story involving a car wreck. I wasn't sure if it was the same one or not (there are wrecks here all the time). I later came across the article.
Come to find out, it was about this car wreck, and unfortunately someone died. The driver of the car was a 21 year old male who was sent to the hospital. The passenger was a female, no name or age given. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
You can't tell from the picture, but how the car ended where it was is odd. The only thing I could think is that they passed the turn they wanted and the driver tried to do a really big U-turn. That or he just lost control and took a hard left into the guardrail.
The report said speed and alcohol were "contributing factors" in the accident. Yeah, that was a tough one to figure out. I'm pretty sure most accidents that occur at 2am are alcohol related.
I feel sorry for both of them, including the girl's family. It is a very sad reminder that drinking and driving is stupid. I'm no angel, and I've been stupid in the past, but I definitely learned a lesson.
Take a cab or sleep it off - it's just not worth it.
When I woke up the next morning around 9am, Ashley told me of the accident. I didn't think much of it, but as we were preparing to go to the grocery store, we noticed the road being blocked off. I grabbed my camera and went down to the corner to see what was up.

Come to find out, it was about this car wreck, and unfortunately someone died. The driver of the car was a 21 year old male who was sent to the hospital. The passenger was a female, no name or age given. She was pronounced dead at the scene.
You can't tell from the picture, but how the car ended where it was is odd. The only thing I could think is that they passed the turn they wanted and the driver tried to do a really big U-turn. That or he just lost control and took a hard left into the guardrail.

I feel sorry for both of them, including the girl's family. It is a very sad reminder that drinking and driving is stupid. I'm no angel, and I've been stupid in the past, but I definitely learned a lesson.
Take a cab or sleep it off - it's just not worth it.