It's February? I'm Married?
Holy schnikes. I can't believe how fast this past month went by. My pathetic little blog is now on life support! No updates, bad recent posts, and complete lack of traffic have turned this internet stop into a top candidate for organ donations.
Well, believe it or not, life does change after getting married. Life DEFINITELY changes when you live together. Long gone are the days of sitting in my pj's all day and watching football (and that's not just because football season is 99% over). Now, it's IKEA shopping time. It's Target time, Bed, Bath & Beyond time... it's cleaning time. I guess I brought this on myself. I mean, how long can a married man survive with a carboard coffee table and no bathroom mats? The answer is approximately 2 hours after the Honeymoon is officially over.
I will say marriage has its perks so far. I've had 3 meals a day, there is usually something new cleaned or decorated, and I don't get to come home to an empty house (excluding our baby - Sammy the cat). This week will bring even more exciting challenges like - How long do you have to wait at the Social Security Office to get a name change and "Are you serious it costs $100 to change your name in the system?"
I'm in the slow process of getting pictures together for our Shaffer wedding site, getting thank you notes out to everyone, and trying to do 10,000 things at work. Other than that, I've just been chillin. Hopefully I'll be able to add more here or move my blog to a less evil location.